Coronavirus, Covid19, The latest information posted by Chichester District Council

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Posted March 24, 2020

Parish Council News

Special Pandemic arrangements – update March 23rd

The unprecedented Coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak has meant changes have had to be made to Parish Council and other local activities and we hope that the following information will prove helpful.

As the situation both locally and at a national level is changing constantly, we will aim to provide regular updates, so check back often. If you have anything relevant to add or that we can let people know about, please email

We will be working from home as usual. To contact the Parish Council call the Clerk, Bambi Jones on 07986 395253 or email

Council Meetings: All Council meetings are cancelled until further notice including meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The Annual Parish Council meeting, was scheduled for 7pm on Thursday 7 May 2020. Information on how it will be held will published closer to the time based on the latest government advice. The Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for 28 May 2020 is also cancelled.

 A Chidham and Hambrook Covid-19 community support group has been formed to provide support to those elderly and vulnerable in the community who need it, and there has been a good response to a request for volunteers to help. For information please contact Councillor Jane Towers on

Please like and follow the Parish Council’s new Facebook page so that you may be updated with the latest information.

A Village Besieged

Chidham, Hambrook and Nutbourne East are currently threatened with unprecedented levels of large-scale development. As a Parish Council we have been trying, through working with residents, to plan how the village can be developed in a planned and carefully controlled way. Seemingly this might no longer be possible. We have been trying to reduce the overall number of new homes that Chichester District Council informed us that we must accept, but now matters appear to be out of control. We feel that the problem lies with the District Council and their failure to produce a Local Plan to which our own Neighbourhood Plan must adhere. Without the Local Plan we cannot complete our Neighbourhood Plan. In the meantime, developers are taking advantage of the situation, with planning applications made or about to be made for over 800 houses in a parish that only as 1,003 houses. To alert you to this situation, the parish council is organising two public Zoom meetings, Thursday 29 October and Tuesday 24 November (see separate information). We are also contacting all residents, with updates on the village crisis by way of emails. If we do not have your email address (possibly given to us when you returned your recent residents’ questionnaire) and you wish to receive these updates, please provide our parish clerk,  Bambi Jones ( with your contact details.
Philip MacDougall, Chair – Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council

Housing Campaign Zoom Meetings – Thur 29th Oct, Tue 24th Nov.

Your parish council is organising a Zoom meeting (all welcome) to discuss and update you on the large number of housing developments that are coming our way. We are concerned that the character of our village will be permanently destroyed.
The parish council is leading a campaign to stop this over-development. Hear what we are doing and what you can do to help. We also want to hear your views.
To join either of these  meeting send an email to our parish clerk: Bambi Jones
You will be sent a link to the meeting. Please add your residential address. All information given will be held confidentially.
Philip MacDougall, Chair – Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council

Government Plans for changing the Planning system.

The Planning White Paper, Planning for the Future, is now out for public consultation. This paper sets out the changes that the Government wants to make to the planning process. It is not clear what part Neighbourhood Plans will play in the future. Have your say about the proposed reforms Or you can email the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
The deadline to submit your response is 11.45pm on Thursday 29 October.